The notes people leave or give to each other are like shining a light into the crevices and cracks of how we behave as people: Everything from mundane shopping lists to signs in shop windows, funny personal ads and love letters. It's often the most unintentional things about them or an amusing response that wasn't intended, that takes them from 'just a note' to something extraordinary. Ever since my kids left notes around our house for the tooth fairy or Santa (I will do another post about that I promise), I've loved the insight into how people see things and their unexpected sense of humor.
So following on from the post I wrote last week about the sex apology biscuits, I thought I'd write this week about the best passive-aggressive notes that people have left in offices or for their neighbours that I found on Quora. The more vicious they were, the more they made me laugh.
I'm going to start with the drama of this first note that was left on a microwave in an office (note the double underlining here!) and the great responses it got from other members of staff (including some great cartoon drawings). I particularly like the drawing of the final explosion.

With note number 2, I think everyone can identify with the neighbour who keeps everything on their property pristine and wants you to do the same. But being honest, I'm with Bob here: That fence really does need a coat of paint.

Ah, Frozen. My kids were a bit older when Frozen hit the zeitgeist, but everyone knows that song: "Let it go, let it go . . . "

Onto number four. Philosophy is always a great response to a note, and I particularly liked the existential nature of this one.

I used to create bedtime stories for my kids about a couple of mice that lived in our house and came on holiday with us that my children still remember fondly to this day. So the idea that animals live a life just like ours and watch TV and have long conversations about everyday happenings has always appealed to me . . . the fact that this note is about roaches makes it all the better.

For the sixth note, the universal idea of the all-night party that drives all the neighbours insane made me fall in love with this one. The fact that someone took the time to put the detail of this together just made my day. And I loved the sarcasm in it too: Perfectly done.

I remember the washing machine annoyance so well as a student. Gah! Revenge is always sweet. Pretty impressed with putting the clothes out in the snow though, not sure I would have been brave enough, and I definitely wouldn't have been brave enough to leave a room number for further confrontation!

Number 8. Another day, another photocopier sign. Maybe the first joke isn't so funny, but the rewrite of the lyrics is pure skill!

For the final one, I've always loved a good escalation, and it's great when several people start adding to an ongoing joke.

If you made it this far, I hope you enjoyed all these and many thanks for reading.
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