I am so excited about getting Fabian into your hands and finding out what you think. I've also had some amazing early feedback from some of my advance readers:
"So this book is my dream come true. Being such a tender lover, I think I just read the longest slow burn in a book: He got under my skin!"
"Perfectly crafted, evocative, and enchanting, you won’t want to miss this riveting, remarkable story!"
"Not to give too much away, all I have to say is that this story, it’s a must-read. It’s a true page-turner from the start with a great amount of steam."
To whet your appetite a little bit more, here's the book description:
Never trust a bad boy. Oh, just let me roll my eyes here for a second. Stop. Stop giving these assholes the time of day …
Two years after the first one tangled me up in his bullshit, here’s another one. Lying in my hospital bed, unconscious. The last one chewed me up and spat me out, so I’m not going anywhere with this one. Unlike last time, I know exactly what I’m dealing with. Older. Wiser. Moving on.
You should never let them help you out, that’s where I think it all goes wrong, that’s where they slip under your defences. You start to think maybe they’re okay. That underneath that rough exterior, maybe even a decent guy, and with all those tattoos, long hair and a sexy body, maybe, just maybe … and then you prise open the lid and look into the box and the cheating and the excuses hit you right slap bang between the eyes ...
Preorders are now up and you can order your copy of The Outcast here.
That's it! A quick sneak peek. More to come on Fabian soon!